Impressed - Versionshistorie: callas pdfaPilot Server

pdfaPilot Server


Version: 6.1.256

Verfügbar seit: 05.04.2016 | Aktuelle Demos & Downloads


Enhanced Profiles

    PDF/X-4 and X-5 validation
    "Has non plain text XMP Metadata" added [FP]
    "Registration or process color representations are inconsistent" added [FP]
    All "GWG 2015"-based profiles for Sheetfed, Newspaper/Newsprint and Web offset:
    Removed check for recommended destination profiles
    Fix problems in PDF tagging structure
    "Remove CIDSet if incomplete" added
    "Add unique ID to Note elements in tagging structure" added

New Fixups

    Remove all objects except [FP]
    Convert spot color names to UTF-8
    Convert font names to UTF-8
    Open/Close all bookmarks [CA1024348]
    Set miter limit [CA1024500]
    Add unique ID to Note elements in tagging structure

Enhanced Fixups

    Make spot color appearance consistent: Added scope to separation colors "All", "None" and CMYK colorants

New Checks and Properties

    Registration or process color representations are inconsistent (for page and document level)
    4 new properties to find colorant values of alternate color spaces [FP23194; FP27300; FP29575]


    PlugIn: Improved stability for parallel usage of Acrobat Preflight and pdfaPilot PlugIn
    Update notification: Possibility to deactivate notifications added (Standalone only)
    Update notification: Manual check for updates added to "Help" menu (Standalone only)


    XML-Report: Maximum number of pages to be contained as resources in report can be defined [CA1024710]
    Option to suppress listing of severities in reports

Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v10.1.0PlusP4q)

Updated signatures of audit trail for preflight certificationNew Profiles



    Merge adjacent headings if heading level is the same: Fixed issue, where headings were not merged in all cases [CA1024489]
    Embed missing fonts: Fixed issue, where "nbspace" and "softhyphen" were not properly handled if used in simple fonts [CA1024564]
    Embed missing fonts: Problem solved, where wrong CMap encodings resulted in false glyph replacement of certain glyphs in Asian languages [CA1024007; CA1024543]
    Problem solved, where conversion of inline bitmaps resulted in an improper behavior [CA1024600]
    Font to outline: Fixed issue, where not all glyphs were properly converted in certain cases [CA1024629; FP31750]
    Font to outline: Problem solved, where encoding mismatch resulted in removed text in some cases [FP31648]
    Font to outline: Problem solved, where glyphs were moved after processing [CA1024501]
    Repair invalid ToUnicode CMap information in fonts: Problem solved, where processing resulted in invisible glyphs and damaged font [CA1024595]
    Repair invalid bookmark hierarchies: Fixed issue, were color of bookmarks was not retained [CA1024492]
    Fix glyph width information: Enhanced processing to correct special structures as well [CA1024251]
    Discard hidden and flatten visible layers: Problem solved, where resulting PDF had visual changes due to not respected OCMD setting [CA1024399]
    Font related Fixups: Problem solved, where text was missing after PDF/A conversion in certain cases [CA1023859]
    Internal optimization: Problem solved, where processing did not found an end [CA1024624]


    Activation: Problem solved, where some special characters in customer name or company resulted in a failed activation (MacOS only)
    Activation: Improved handling for instable or missing Internet connection
    Save as dialog: Fixed issue, where changed destination file name was not properly displayed [FP30295; FP31644]


    XML: Optimized reporting of processing duration within report
    XML: Problem solved, where non existent bookmarks resulted in an invalid XML structure [FP30962]


    Improved handling for files with a extreme high number of recursions [CA1024508]

    ToPDF: Extended scope to convert shape-only Excel spreadsheets as well [CA1024727]
    Improved handling of resources for document-only Fixups to increase processing speed [CA1024430]
    Improved merging of Custom Fixups and identical Fixups  within conversions to PDF-based ISO-Standards [CA1024476]


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