Impressed - Versionshistorie:


Version: 6.5.0

Verfügbar seit: 19.12.2018 | Aktuelle Demos & Downloads

Neue Funktionen

  • New Minimum TAC and Ink Usage (MTIU) option available in Alwan ColorHub ECO: Ink Saving Boost feature for CMYK separation offers greater ink savings than Dynamic Maximum Black (DMB)
  • New K Start and K Max settings available within Minimum TAC and Ink Usage (MTIU) option improving Black channel control
  • ∆E2000 calculation option available from Output -> Advanced -> DVLP Generation Parameters -> ∆E Mode = ∆E2000: Improved color accuracy, higher ink savings with MTIU separation
  • Adobe PDF Library APDFLv15.0.4PlusP4a: Fixes some font issues (#0001314, #0005514, #0003591)
  • Alwan PrintStandardizer TRCA Synchronization information: Current TRCA date and time is displayed in Output -> TRC Adjustment tab


  • Fixes Scratch custom folder issue, which could be reset to default value when closing ACH (#0005560) • Improved Shading support (reversed Decode array) during local flattening (#0005669)
  • Fixes RGB rounding issue when using Output -> Spot ans Special -> Device Color Transformation (#0005536)
  • Processing Speed improvements (#0005547)
  • HiFi profile generation is quicker and can be processed on different cores
  • Improved management of temporary files when processing multi-pages PDFs (#0005522)
  • Fixes Switch Configurator issue: when canceling the External Editor, some values were reset to default values (#0005321)
  • Fixes Dongle warning message "SafeNet dongle encountered a problem (error code:27) (#0005541)
  • Fixes processing freeze issues during flattening (#0005569) and during file saving (#0005695) with some PDFs having hundreds of thousands vectors

Alle Neuerungen finden Sie auch hier zusammengefasst: Whats_New_in_ACH650_rev7562.pdf


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