Version: 7.2.277
Verfügbar seit: 24.01.2018 | Aktuelle Demos & Downloads
- Display of activation status: Only activated components will be shown
- Go to page: Jump to entered page number in current document
- Save as image: PDF files, where the permission setting "Copying content" is set to "allowed" can now also be saved as images [FP44878]
- ToPDF: Added support for WordPerfect (.wpd) as input files
- Convert to PDF/A-1: Problem solved, where recompression of JPEG2000 to JPEG resulted in a color shift in some cases
- Place content: Fixed issue, where using a Variable to define the template path was not properly working
- EmailToPDF: Fixed several formatting issues when converting RTF content [CA10226599]
- EmailToPDF: Problem solved, where a unusual charset-encoding entry was not properly interpreted [CA1026656]
- EmailToPDF: Fixed issue, where certain Unicode characters were not properly handled [CA1026881]
- Explore Metadata: Fixed issue, where preview images were not properly displayed (MacOS only)
- Compare: Support for the latest Acrobat DC Version
- ToPDF: Fixed issue, where conversion of non-PDF formats failed for certain licensing types
- ToPDF: Fixed issue, where HTML files with a "#" character in their name could not be processed
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where empty Excel sheets resulted in an error in certain cases
- Fixed issue, where Profile property "Font is not embedded" was not properly regarded
- Problem solved, where editing Profiles was not possible in certain cases
- Fixed issue, where special characters in Variables were not properly handled
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